Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Burden of Thought

dirt,sand, roots replace the fluff of a pillow expanding the fibers to capacity thus turning the pillow into an absurd object. by negating the function of a pillow case perhaps one can come to a subtle metaphor of a state of awareness and the burden of thought. Is the need to express this the primary function of art? Imagine if all the thoughts you possess could be turned into a physicality instead of an abstract idea ( even matching or outweighting your weight).
We are awaiting the harvest. we are awaiting a return of some grand hope. We are constantly traveling to an unown destination to meet at a certain point and plane -existing and swirling in time. Memories, random thoughts, aspirations, fears,etc.become stockpiled. this stockpile is transformed into a substance-dirt and sand. growth and expansion-contained and obscured.

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